Breeden Ideas
A few of Jake's favorite ideas.
Celebrate Pivots
Every leader understands that it's smart to learn from failure. So every company must be a happy place in which people openly share their failures. Not so much? Enter pivot celebrations, a big idea that fulfills the promise of learning from failure. Jake's idea is featured in Right Kind of Wrong.
When Virtues Hide Vice
As Jake wrote in his Harvard Business Review article, "when you say — or hear someone else say — that something is being done in the name of admirable aims, it’s smart to check that no vice lurks inside the virtue."
The Excellence Trap
Strategy+Business magazine summarized Jake's idea about excellence nicely: "When excellence is defined as living in a world of no surprises, you aren’t going to get any…until it’s too late."
Plot a Coup Against the Status Quo
In his Psychology Today article, Jake makes the case that sometimes a little bit of rebellion is an act of loyalty.
Heart Healthy Leadership
Jake had a heart attack in October 2023. It changed his life. And, good news: you can learn the things he learned without having a heart attack yourself.
[Your Idea Here]
One of Jake's favorite things is helping people develop their own thinking. Want a bit of thought partnership as you develop your next big idea? Get in touch.